Alternative Energy Concentration

A student in a lab coat and goggles works with equipment

Does the prospect of working on renewable energy or hybrid electric vehicle propulsion sound fascinating to you? Our Alternative Energy Concentration should be on your radar then. 

Why Study Alternative Energy at Kettering University

  • You want to enhance your bachelor’s degree to better prepare you to establish a career in alternative energy.
  • As a Mechanical Engineering student you be in labs like e-Design and e-Manufacturing Studio, Energy Systems Lab, Crash Safety Center, Advanced Engine Research Lab, DENSO International Dynamic Systems Design Studio and The Center for Fuel Cell Systems and Powertrain.
  • Faculty are researching Energy Systems, Orthopaedic Biomechanics, Computational Biomechanics, Automobile body structure design and crash analysis, Tire Mechanics, Noise, Vibration, Water collection and filtration technologies in the developing world, and Mechatronics.

What You'll Learn

Imagine studying various energy resources and systems and taking such courses as energy and the environment, bio and renewable energy, hybrid electric vehicle propulsion and fuel cell science.

This specialty makes a major contribution in energy education and will help prepare you to lead the nation’s effort to become an energy-independent country.

Jobs in renewable energy already outnumber those in fossil fuels by a 3-1 margin, according to E2’s Clean Jobs America report. Using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Business Insider reported that the spike in job growth is expected to continue through 2026 and it compiled a list of 30 fastest-growing renewable energy jobs.

With this concentration you will earn a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering.

College of Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Phone: (810) 762-7992

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